The answer depends on the kind of abuse your kitchen takes, desired longevity of the floor, amount of maintenance you desire, and of course your budget.
Starting with the most industrial option and working our way down we would say that a cementitious urethane will best withstand the test of time and abuse. That is an especially good option if you have moisture issues or a very damaged and spalled slab that needs lots of repair or patch work. Given how thick it is laid down it can coat over the spalled and pitted parts of your concrete in one fell swoop. This can save lots of time repairing damaged concrete and could actually end up being your cheapest option, especially if minimizing down time is a concern. From here we have a special 100 percent solids epoxy that we'd recommend that is laid down in several coats and would ideally have flake or quartz broadcast into it for added traction control and durability.